Code breakdown

Breakdown the generated code #

go-asyncapi puts all the generated code to the target directory, breaking it down by the packages and files. Also, additional packages will be created and placed alongside: impl for the protocol implementations and encoding for the encoders/decoders.

The way how the generated code will be broken down by packages and files is controlled by --*-scope cli args.

By default, the tool creates a package per entity type (models, servers, channels, etc.). Every single entity is put to a separate file.

├── channels
│   ├── channel1.go
│   ├── channel2.go
│   └── ...
├── servers
│   ├── server1.go
│   ├── server2.go
│   └── ...
├── models
│   ├── model1.go
│   ├── model2.go
│   └── ...
├── ...
├── impl
│   ├── kafka
│       └── ...
│   └── ...
└── encoding
    ├── decode.go
    └── encode.go

Package breakdown #

Besides the default package breakdown (by entity type), you can put the whole code into one package by setting the --package-scope all cli arg.

├── channel1.go
├── channel2.go
├── server1.go
├── server2.go
├── model1.go
├── model2.go
├── ...
├── impl
│   ├── kafka
│       └── ...
│   └── ...
└── encoding
    ├── decode.go
    └── encode.go

File breakdown #

Besides the default file breakdown (by entity name), you can break down entities by the entity type by setting the --file-scope type cli arg.

├── channels
│   ├── channels.go
├── servers
│   ├── servers.go
├── models
│   ├── models.go
├── ...
├── impl
│   ├── kafka
│       └── ...
│   └── ...
└── encoding
    ├── decode.go
    └── encode.go

Below is the combined example of the --package-scope all and --file-scope type:

├── channels.go
├── servers.go
├── models.go
├── ...
├── impl
│   ├── kafka
│       └── ...
│   └── ...
└── encoding
    ├── decode.go
    └── encode.go